“Gian wasn’t a gatekeeper so much as a gatecrasher, the benevolent trickster who sneaks past security, then slices a hole in the fence to let a bunch of others in, because why shouldn’t we be so generous?” —James Yeh
Thirty-three writers, editors, and friends shared remembrances of Giancarlo DiTrapano at The Believer: Nadxieli Nieto, “He Would Give You the Last Fuck off His Back”; Sam Lipsyte, “A Hero of Feeling”; Nicola May Goldberg, “Charles Manson, but Nice”; Alec Niedenthal, “The Computer-Cussing, the Galley-Unpacking, the Rufus-Walking”; Eugene Lim, “Like Hiring Robert Walser to File Your Income Taxes”; Annie DeWitt, “He Took a Chance on My Work When No One Else Would”; Jordan Castro, “What a Thing, What a Thing”; Brad Phillips, “We sent each other videos, primping our hair”; Karl Taro Greenfeld, “You Want to Write Randy Moss’s Autobiography for Me?”; Mira Gonzalez, “Where Others Only Saw Risk”; Brooks Sterritt, “I See You Dogleg”; David Nutt, “The Worst-Selling Title in the Tyrant Catalogue”; Tao Lin, “I Finally Feel Happy and Enjoy Life”; Bryn Lovitt, “A Rebellious Intellect”; Helen Waters, “Don’t Sell Yourself Short”; Lincoln Michel, “A Godsend”; Joseph Riippi, “From Lish, Right?”; Babak Lakghomi, “I Am Killing You with This Chet Baker Music Tonight”; Lexi Kent-Monning , “A Sweet-Natured Gigglepuss”; Jonathan Smith, “Hotels, Taxis, Dive Bars, Staying Up All Night”; Gabriel Ponce de León, “He Came Up with the Idea”; Hurley Winkler, “Dive Directly in”; Brandon Hobson, “He Stayed at His Boyfriend’s”; Michael Seidlinger, “Getting Drunk and Sharing Publishing Advice”; Adam Wilson, “He Was Happy To”; Lily Hoang and Jackie Wang, “He Bought a Bed for Us”; Cory Bennet, “The Big Bro”; Ellen Moynihan, “This Charming Man”; Anonymous, “Dude, Where Did I Park My Motorino?”; Thomas Morton, “He Became My New York”; Rachel Rabbit White, “He Always Knew Where to Go Next.” I shared “He Said He Didn’t Want Dog Shit on His Floor.”
A tribute to Gian at Vulture by Christian Lorentzen is here.
A tribute to Gian at The Paris Review with contributions from Bud Smith, Jordan Castro, Honor Levy, and Sean Thor Conroe is here.
A tribute to Gian at Bookforum with contributions from Nico Walker and Brad Phillips is here.
Two of Blake Butler’s retweets of Gian’s thousands of extraordinary tweets are here and here.
Lauren Cerand’s eulogy delivered at Gian’s funeral is here.
Gian’s obituary at The New York Times is here.
When I forgot how to forget time and needed a reminder Gian reminded me here.
Chelsea Hodson and Gian’s workshop, Mors Tua Vita Mia [“Your Death My Life”], is here.
Tyrant Books and New York Tyrant magazine are here.